Deep Linking (URL Schemes)

With deep linking, you can open an item or page directly in Inventory from a web page, iOS Shortcut, or by scanning a QR code.

The following URLs are supported in the Inventory app:



Individual Asset Reference (e.g.: 1234.123456.0000)





Nothing (only opens the app but do nothing)



How to get the ID of an item?

Using Multiple Profiles

If you have multiple profiles and wish to switch to a specific profile with deep links, add ?p=<profile_id> or ?c=<config_uuid> at the end of the URL. For example, z-inv://iar/<individual_asset_reference>?p=a1b2c3d4.

How to get the Profile ID?

More (on the bottom tab bar) → Profile Icon (on the top-right) → Copy Current Profile ID.

How to get the Config UUID?

More (on the bottom tab bar) → Settings → Configuration → Configuration UUID.

URL Schemes for the Nightly and Dev versions of the app (iOS only)

  • Use zn-inv:// for the Nightly version of the app.

  • Use zd-inv:// for the Dev version of the app.

Last updated